Shop Info
Contact seller
中国, 四川 成都市 青羊区 蜀泰商厦
Qingyang, Chengdu, Sichuan shutaishangsha, China
Return address
United States, Monroe Township, New Jersey (NJ) C/O 1100 Cranbury South River Rd
- E-mail :[email protected]
- Phone number:
- available during:
- E-mail is always availaable and more recommended.
- EX) Q1. I've put items in cart. Later, I tried to order but I couldn't because they say it's sold out. Why is it for?
- EX) Q2. Can I order by telephone or e-mail?
- EX) Q3. What am I supposed to do if item doesn't arrive?
- Major Shipping company :
- Usual Shipping period:
- Shipping rate : Shipping rate can differ from item to item. Please see individual item page.
- if you have any question about shipping,please e-mail us.
- E-mail :[email protected]
If you want to get refund or return item you received,please cantact us.
- E-mail :[email protected]
- Phone number:
- Return address:
C/O 1100 Cranbury South River Rd, Monroe Township, NJ, 08831
{ 州/省/郡: New Jersey
城市:Monroe Township
邮编:08831 }
We don't accept the cases below:
- - ex1) over 7days from receiving item
- - ex2) if items are open/used or damaged
- - ex3) sending item without prior contact